Right from the start I set up a hydration center with both water and a cooler with sport drinks. Here are a few tricks and tips I have learned from the experts or experience:
- When you sweat you loose more than just water - you loose precious electrolytes and other goodies that your body needs. So just drinking water can set these electrolytes dangerously out of balance causing cramps for instance.
- I like to alternate between a sport drink and just water to alleviate these problems - and it works!
- I set up the hydration centre in the shade. Once the basement was covered with the floor I placed it there. Not only was it in the shade but the basement was just cooler.
- Provide places to sit. Everyone is on their feet slaving away. When taking a break, having a comfortable seat to rest your fanny is sure nice - especially for this old man...
- Top keep the drinks cool, I use a portable cooler with a cooling system. It isn't a fridge but certainly provided adequate welcome chilling of the drinks. Remember I have a generator going a good 50% of the time, so power is readily available.
- Stay away from alcoholic beverages. Contrary to popular myth they actually make the de-hydration worse, let alone the safety issues of alcohol on a job site. Beer is best left to the end of the day celebration and even then in moderation.