I was expecting four possibly as much as 8 inches of snow, not the 14 or more inches that I encountered when we arrived Saturday morning.
The task for this past Saturday was to take the last two loads of drywall waste to the garbage dump, so the snow had to be removed.
Fortunately I was put in touch to a local snow removal contractor by Brad at Dales RONA Building Centre. Lee Desabais came over almost right away to clear the driveway and 'parking' lot. I have struck an annual snow removal contract with him. Lee will keep the cottage open during the week until the contractors, drywall and electrical, have completed their work. That should be until the first weekend in January. After that Lee will just ensure that it is cleared for the weekends.
It was important to keep the lot open as I need clear access for the remaining contractors to complete their work and to allow access to the porch when the moving truck arrives on January 3rd.
Coming Up:
In the next post I am trying an experiment. I took some video with my camera the previous week. I am going to post one of them.
Related Posts:
he Cottage: Finished for the Winter - Nov 26, 2008
Construction Heating in the Winter - Nov 27, 2008
Heating Tip for Drywalling in the Fall & Winter - Oct 27, 2008