Fortunately, we got a break in the rainy weather long enough to install all the exterior elements of the chimney.
Here are some tips to a safe and secure chimney installation experience:
1) The Right Height
In most jurisdictions the chimney must be at least two feet higher than any part of the roof within 10 feet (Horizontally).
2) Secure it
If the chimney is going to be over 4 feet high secure it with braces. The brace needs to be at least 2/3 the way up the chimney.
3) Weatherize it
Make sure you install the roof flashing and caulk it properly, install the storm collar and have a chimney cap.
4) Be Safe - Burning
Be sure your chimney cap has a spark arresting screen.

Above all be sure to be safe when installing. We used a safety harness for everyone who was up on the roof. Be sure to secure the roof for the harness both on the opposing side of the roof to a solid structure that can hold a multiple of the weight of the user AND that the rope is secure from rolling off the roof.
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