There is actually a bunch of people following my blog, and a many of you have asked for an update of where I am at in terms of the project:
The Cottage Plans:
- The plans have been adjusted to take advantage of the unique features of the lot - mostly the slope
- The tentative location of the rooms in the basement have been added to the plans.
- The location of the plumbing necessary for installation prior to pouring the basement floor have been determined.
- Material list created
- Request for quotes made to 4 major lumber yards and one truss company
- If you have been following my initial plan was to build a permanent wood foundation
- However, the lateness of the snow melting, and a realization that the cost differential is not as big as expected, I am changing back to a poured concrete foundation
- I think this is much to the relief of my sons and wife
- So I have made a request for quote to two local contractors in the Otter lake and Shawville areas:
- Doug Zacharias Trucking - I have used Doug in the past to put it the driveway and clear my lot
- Mickey McQuire Equipment Rentals - who was recommended by the engineer doing my septic system report
- This is required now in order to get the building permit
- Peter MacIntosh, out of Shawville, has been contacts and faxed with all the particulars
- He and I are now waiting for the snow to melt so he can get on the lot and do his thing
- The snow is reported to still be two feet but Peter hopes to be out there late next week.
- I called the inspector on Friday to alert him
- He will be working with Peter the septic engineer
- Rick, the building inspector, stated that he could pretty much issue the building permit the next day after receiving Peter's report.
- I am using a project management software to understand the interdependencies of the work and to schedule the necessary resources
- I have three sons who will be helping so they now know when they will be needed at various stages of the project - and of course negotiate...
- My wife, Lucie, also has been able to schedule me around her Golf
- I have the GANTT chart printed and up on the wall.
- Foundation Quotes
- Material quotes
- Roof Truss Quotes
- and hopefully the septic report!