The Gazebo: The skeleton is in place!

In previous posts I mentioned that we have completed the installation of the trusses for the gazebo. Here is the promised picture.

In this picture you should be able to make out:
  • 8 trusses in total
  • 2 laminated trusses, these are supported on the nearest corner of the cottage and the far post.
  • 6 trusses that attached to the center of the laminated trusses - three extend out to 3 posts on the left, and 3 extend towards to the cottage and are supported by the wall (can't be seen in the picture.)
As I mentioned in the previous post, they are all attached in the center by a really nifty truss hanger. Here is a picture of the real thing.

Here you can see the laminated truss (left to right) with three trusses in the foreground which are supported on their other end by the wall of the Cottage and three in the background which are supported on the other end to the posts.

As I mentioned in the previous post there are two special truss hangers used to tie all eight of the trusses together, made by (you guessed it) Simpson-StrongTie.

These hangers and a whole lot of nails, make this a very strong connections. (Notice, I need a few more nails...)