Material Quote Status... they are dropping like flies...

Oh I forgot I to tell you, I received a voice message from the head of the contractor's department at BMR (Building Materials & Renovations) last week. He confirmed they have misplaced - let's call a spade a spade - LOST - the request for quote and set of plans I left with them. ...and in this words, "would I be so kind to bring around another copy".

Not likely! Plans are not inexpensive! So I have written BMR off the list and assessed them a minus 0.5 (-0.5).

So the running score is:

Home Depot: 3
RENO: 0.5 (complete)
BMR: 0 (complete)
Home Hardware: 1

NOTE: I am moving primary residences this weekend so posting will resume earlier next week...

NEXT: Coming up next week
  • Getting the permit
  • Getting the foundation started
  • ordering materials (maybe