The result is an absolutely beautiful trim painting job.
A few tips to ensure a great paint job:
1) Use the right Brush for the Job
- Use a narrow brush - say no wider than 1.5 inches for the door edges and trim.
- Use a small roller to put the pain on the door - but use a brush to smooth it out and maintain the grain
Too much paint and it will be dripping all over - too little and it will finish streaky...
3) Be Patient - Let it dry!
Leave the doors open for at least 24 hours, and at least 24 hours between coats.
4) Prime
Always prime bare wood - otherwise you will be painting another coat anyway.
5) Caulk, fill and Sand
Be sure to caulk, fill holes and sand smooth. It is a painful and timeconsuming step but ensures a professional look.
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