Here is the issue - each of these anchors weights well over 300 lbs (160 KGs). Two big strong males can barely lift them up on edge. The anchors are tires so once they are up, it is reasonably easy to roll them - but can you image rolling those down 104 step to the lake and the dock? Well my youngest son and his friend manged to get one of them down that way... It took them over an hour and they were exhausted by then - and we are not talking waif thin puny men - my son is 6-3 and over 225 lbs and strong as an ox.
So the remaining three anchors have languished up on top for a couple months until my son and I moved them last weekend.We did not roll them down the stairs.
Rather we rolled them up a ramp and into my SUV and drove them down to the back yard of my next door neighbour and rolled them on a relatively flat path and a much shorter distance up onto the dock. It still took us over two hours, and plenty of huffing and puffing.
I learned a lesson!
Understand the implications of mixing four plus bags of concrete into a tire... and move the bags one at a time to the final location and make the anchors much closer to the dock - maybe like ON the Dock! ;-)